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 CV Chef de cuisine France entière


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Emploi(s) recherché(s) :
ma photo
Chef de cuisine
Département(s) recherché(s) :
France entière
Standing :
Non renseigné
Date de disponibilité :

Type de contrat :
Non renseigné
Horaires souhaités :
Non renseigné

Langue(s) :
Francais, Anglais
Expérience professionnelle :

     Mr Karim BOUSCKRI

Adresse permanente: 2-17-6 Nishizaki,Itoman,Okinawa 901-0305 JAPON.
Tel domicile: +81 98 995 2515
E-mail: seamenschef@yahoo.com


07-2008 Japon: Hotel ROCORE,travaille avec le Chef Japonais SUGIMOTO,restaurant,buffet-international Tepanyaki、Fusion et cuisine regional. Fonction de Sous-Chef ,responsable de la preparation des ingredients de base et responsable du service du matin.
01-2008 Voyage a l,etranger .:
Au Mexique vit chez l,habitant pendant 3 mois et au Maroc travaille dans un hotel palace table d,hote pendant 3 mois


Restaurant de cuisine Internationale:
Europeenne(Italienne,,Francaise)Asiatiques(Asian-fusion,Ethnic) Nord-Americaine.( Mexicaine Americaine)、Grill ,BBQ.
.Delegue..les..responsabilitees...surpervise toute les fonctions F&B:
Responsable..de..l,Organisation..des…procedures…de..travail,(Horaires,,..cuisiniers..,controle..des…denrees, Commande et Inventaire. Ordinateur..MS..office..Conges,Remplacement,Entretien.)Elaboration, de la Carte,menu mensuelle et Plat du Jour tendances et equilibres
Responsable de la procedure d,Entrainement d’Hygiene et d,assurer un haut niveau de production Restaurant d,une capacite de 200 places.,clientele de haute contribution.
CERTIFICAT D,HYIENE H-A-C-C-P de la US NAVY et du department sanitaire Japonais.

Compagnie de main d,oeuvre specialise faisant appel aux professionnel de la restauration,pour des evenements necessitants des prestations speciales tel que Encadrement,Preparation,Realisation et Decoration des plats .Sculpture sur glace.


Buts realises:
Ouverture du restaurant,achats du materiel de cuisine et de tout l,equipement de la salle. Embauche des cuisiniers,organization du travail,elaboration et planning des nouveaux menus.
Responsable de la production et de toutes les operations relatives aux fonctions du restaurants,des commandes de la nourriture,et des ,boissons
Restaurant specialise , pates fraiches fait maison,pizza au four fait main, fruit de mer,et viande grilles,legumes frais du jardin,plus de 100 couverts.
Promotion de produits Francais et Italiens en cooperation avec des societes d,importations Japonaises.cours de cuisine pour clientele au restaurant.

Buts realises:.
Responsable,de..l,administration..(inventaire,..commande),conception des menus ,en ,collaboration,avec le Chef.
Responsable du programme d,entrainement des cuisiniers.Restaurant saisonnier ouvert 9 mois de l,annee,specialise..dans..la..cuisine..regionale.( Mediterraneenne)

Compagnie Aerienne AIR-FRANCE
Aeroport International NICE COTE D,AZUR
Buts realises:
Introduction et maitrise des normes H-A-C-C-P et des procedures de securites et de communications.Travaille avec l,ordinateur. Foods specialist,
Diplome(s) :
B-EP Commerce HACCP certificat d,hygiene
Motivations :
I enjoy working in an environment where people with energy, creativity and commitments work together to fulfill ambitious goals. I am able to work to the highest standards of professional Excellency under pressure. I operate a truly global business. I recognize the importance of diversity of understanding individual’s ways of working and how we can compliment each others to deliver outstanding results.
I am a leadership that create a fun and challenging environment naturally, encourage each others to give our best every day this in tune to build guest loyalty and trust, generates profits and enable the company to grow. I train my team by adding genuine flavors and new work methods with 0% of wastage, to ensure that all equipments are fully operational and effective use in the production of very large foods items. I am able to maintain consistently high standard of quality and service at both fixed temporary date line. I am committed to providing the very best food from innovative and nutritious meals. I maintain with all the staff a professional positive attitude and have the ability to make accurate assessments of all situations and objectives recommendations when problems arise.
My pride is to serve high quality foods value for money, nutritious balanced meals to a diverse range of customers.
I am working with integrity ,honesty, desire ,determination l am a good listener learn and respond quickly and communicate affectively. l am a thorough person, empathic ,compassionate ,and most of all have a strong work ethic to produce superior results for both company and clients.
My imagination and knowledge in food business allow me to explore and expand the
menu range in order to respond to the changing need and expectations of the customers.
Each facet of my work my business has been involved in the stage of creation and research.
Good foods are the heart of my concern.
I am committed to really understanding the needs of the people l serve the general welfare of the customers need throughout the working days early until late or around the clock.
Best regards
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